Becoming Awesome! Life Lessons from the World’s Greatest Leaders highlights:
• 25 critical social and emotional skills promote a growth mindset and skills needed for 21st century success
• Lessons include the importance of self-love, understanding emotions, practicing empathy and compassion, recognizing personal qualities and values, SMART decision making, among many other lessons.
• Think, reflect, and respond strategy question for each chapter help reinforce skills as well as help educators navigate discussion and learning.
• Chapter questions and more in-depth assignments in google classroom docs
• Reflection questions are based on evidence based Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) recommendations
• Great resource / textbook for remote and distance learning.
• Sign up to be the first to know about live on-line Zoom classes for educators and expert guest interviews
• Recommended for sixth grade and up
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Becoming Awesome! Supplement Book
The Becoming Awesome Leader Supplement goes into more depth on each of the five leaders featured in the book: Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez.
Readers will:
- Journey through history becoming more familiar with what it was like when these great leaders grew up, were a teen, and came into adulthood.
- See how leaders throughout history transcended their humble beginnings, rose above childhood fear and disappointment, and defied the greatest odds by using their own emotional intelligence to persevere and find success.
- Find that no matter what their circumstances, there are relatable experiences between readers and the Great Leaders.
- An excellent resource and supplement for History, Social Studies or Civics teachers.

Keep checking back! We will continually update our website with supplemental lesson plans, worksheets, and resources.
Remote learning and Educator On-line live classes, Ask the Expert series is being developed. Sign up now to stay informed of our progress!
Book two Becoming More Awesome! will expand on Social Emotional Learning topics to tackle more complex situations that teens and young adults are bound to experience including Dating relationships, forgiveness, life purpose. (2021)