Virtual Training
Virtual Training
Customized Adult SEL Strategy PD training
Virtual Training Modules
Approved for 10.5 CPDU
Includes Participant Workbook!
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- Remembering why you chose teaching in the first place
- Loving yourself first
- What self-love is and is not
- Being your most authentic self
- Assess your own sense of worthiness
- Strategies to build up your own sense of self-worth
- Learning how to say no in a loving way
- Understand where your limiting beliefs come from
- Identify your beliefs, reexamine false beliefs, and investigate if these beliefs are true
- Get out from under self-limiting beliefs
- Open new neural pathways by shifting negative self-talk to positive self-talk
- Shift toxic comparison thoughts into positive based emotion
- Develop a superior understanding of your own self-awareness
- Review your accomplishments to identify your natural characteristics
- Identify your energy zappers, those characteristics that do not come to you so naturally
- Clarifying Values: “If we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything.”
- Learn the eight primary emotions you are born with
- All emotions are activated from fear or love
- Identify and understand the three critical elements of positive and negative emotions
- When you understand your emotion cues, you can better manage your reactions.
- Using calming techniques to help you effectively respond to your emotions
- Understand the defense mechanisms and destructive ways of coping with your emotions
- What is empathy – the difference between empathy and sympathy
- Naming and defining emotions
- Empathy is a learned skill
- Putting yourself in another’s shoes
- What it means to be compassionate
- What you want for yourself, do for another
- Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg
- How gratitude makes a difference
- Build your own gratitude list
- Setting daily intention and deepening your mindfulness
- Self-Care Tool Kit: What is the most loving thing I can do for myself?
- The 5 love languages
- Pulling it all together: Recap of past six weeks
- Showing up as the best version of yourself
- Creating the ripple effect: Helping student discover their bright spots brings the connection we desire
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